June, 19, 2008

June, 19th,  2008 - 39th DAY WITHOUT ELECTRICITY!  W H Y ?! 

Young social, mobile, ingenious, ingenuous, highly-educated, intelligent and reasonable Lady (=Leidy)* wearing 25 years stones, with poor-developed sense of humor (that is not a joke but serious proposal !) can make a big contribution to forward the Kingdom of Monaco to the scientific and cultural progress. 


The Marriage Agreement 

wedding not webbing 

Long-termed mono research project (can be renewed or cancelled)

Он: обязуется любить Её и детей, уважать, носить на руках, дарить цветы.

Она: обязуется всё это "просто благодарно принимать" и просто делать Его счастливым.


She* is able:     

           to SAVE Monarchy (=historic roots) and prevent the extinction of the Albert Grimaldi House having the important historical background for the history of any country - if  she becomes the spouse (=wife) of the Prince of Monaco.

She is able to become the consort of the Prince of Monaco [Avunculus N1, Avunculus N2, Avunculus N3,

Avunculus N4 (Beauharnais - dukes of Leuchtenberg), etc.],

       to BECOME the mother giving the birth to legitimate children - twins-successors (natural or artificial insemination or plus a high geneo(a)logical probability) via the Caisar resection to have legitimate heir(s) (!) to the throne, FactorPlus to support the Christian, etc. influence into GeoCosmic Earth Sciences (She is a highly-educated professional PostNeoDarwinist), to become the Monaco Kingdom respectable as well as to forward the Economy of the country (Culture, Tourism, Medicine, Education, Science, etc.), to join lands (by means of historical logics) belonging to the Kingdom earlier (e.g. Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Luxemburg,  the Netherlands, Austria, Serbia, Chernogoria (=Montenegro), Portugal,  etc.), including France.

       По истечению брачного контракта** (в случае его непродления = при разводе и "разделе имущества"):
1. дети остаются с матерью;
2. принц Альберт не имеет каких-либо притязаний на авторские права и на всю интеллектуальную собственность Елены
Георгиевны Кордиковой (Тасии Мейерхольд) - научные открытия, изобретения, рационализаторские предложения, поэмы, стихи, романсы, басни, сценарии, либретто, новеллы и т.д. и т.п.


*Origin:  1, 3, 2, 4 (Beauharnais - dukes of Leuchtenberg), 5


**serious suggestion.

       Who risks more: He or She?!



child of



princess of Anhalt-Dessau


Marie Friederike* v. SAXE-ALTENBURG
X 1873
prince of Prussia

children of Gorbach


von diesen Hausen

  • their graves in the Mausoleum auf dem Hutberge
  • in the park of Schloss Kamenz/Silesia.
  • After WW-II the mausoleum was plundered and
  • they were reburied in the park.

[too many papers for German visa -

only few perspectives for tourism trips]




Her virtual property - the personal bank account in Deutsche Bank 24 Tuebingen (research fellowships for 5 years of her work in Germany: DAAD, Humboldt Foundation, VolksWagen Foundation, etc.), personal library, 3BettZimmerHaus in Jena, etc.


The Prince of Monaco = King, after Stephanie Beauharnais (1789-1860) -

a daughter of the crowned Josephine de Tascher de la Pagerie-Beauharnais (1763-1814)?

You must follow Her because...

You must follow Her because...


     to BECOME the mother giving the birth to legitimate children - twins-successors (natural or artificial insemination or plus a high geneo(a)logical probability) via the Caisar resection to have legitimate heir(s) (!) to the throne, FactorPlus to support the Christian, etc. influence into GeoCosmic Earth Sciences (She is a highly-educated professional PostNeoDarwinist), to become the Monaco Kingdom respectable as well as to forward the Economy of the country (Culture, Tourism, Medicine, Education, Science, etc.)**, to join lands (by means of historical logics) belonging to the Kingdom earlier (e.g. Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Luxemburg,  the Netherlands, Austria, Serbia, Chernogoria (=Montenegro), Portugal,  etc.), including France.

and Job: Adviser (=Beraterin) or Ambassador on Culture and Science of the Monaco Kingdom! in Spain or in any country of the Mediterranean & Black Seas - in Greece, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria (Warne), Ukraine/Russia (Odessa), etc. OR JOB RELATED TO NATURAL SCIENCES, INNOVATIONS AND/OR CULTURE (THEATRE, etc.)



Life Experience: 25 years in daily-life-science - biology (botany, zoology, ecology, medicine, homeopathy, anthropomorphology, paleontology, genetics, geneajournalisticslogy, mathematics, etc.), engineering geology (geomorphology, geotectonic, stratigraphy), journalistics [1, 2], literature (writing of novels, verses, fables, stories, tales for adults, ballet/opera librettos), photography & computer-design and modeling, art (music, painting, sculpture, architecture, iconography - expert on originals), linguistics (historical analysis, translations), sociology (wide-profiled cultural criticism - from cinematography to theatre, from opera to ballet, etc.), psychology, genialogy/politology  including private life experiments - marriage, child birth (daughter, 12), criminal journalistics; professional expeditions & travels and tourism for pleasure and sightseeings, etc.


Language abilities: Developed language of logics (e.g., Chess language, semantic languages - languages of signs - music, dance, ballet, etc.) and others (interpretation, translation, linguistics, genealogy, etc. as hobby) in language environment (Russian & (Ukrainian) & Polish), English & German & French, Kazakh (Turkish), etc.; international language of gestures (on phone).


Recommendations of the Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Card N 7000154908) are: in the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation***,, D-53173 Bonn, Jean-Paul-Strasse 12; Tel.: +49/(0)228/8330, Fax: +49/(0)228/833199.

Contact Her: 1. directly,


2a. via the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany in Almaty; The Cultural Department, Tel.: ...+7(3272)506155, 506156, 506157, Fax: ...+7(3272)50-62-76.

The Head of the Department: Mr. Joachim Freiherr de Marschall von Almaty (=Bieberach) .

2b. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn

Tel.: +49/(0)228/8330, Fax: +49/(0)228/833199.

President of the AvHF: Prof.Dr. Wolfgang FruehWald (?); 

3. Lufthansa ?AG, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Almaty, Fax: ...+7(3272)50-50-62, ...+7(3272)57-14-01.

Fax of Miles and Less: ...+7(3272)50-50-63. HER main deptor - 11 Millions Euro

Vice of Regional Flight Manager Mr. D. GrossMann

4. via the Embassies of Poland and Greece in Almaty?

5. via far and not so far relatives (e.g. Mr. Mikhail S. Gorbachyov, Mrs. Sophia A. Tomaso).


* Saxe-Altenburg/Mecklenburg-Strelitz House, L. Literate (=leader "A") in Arts.

Her origin (in process of development and English description).

** Job in the Monaco Parliament: 1. The work in corps diplomatique as an Advis(c)er or/and a Cardinal (see the familial dull genealogy), 


or 2. Minister of Culture, Sport & Tourism, or 3. Minister of Ecology or/and Ministry of Foreign Affairs****, etc.

*** The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is a non-profit foundation established by the Federal Republic of Germany. Its aim is the promotion of international scientific cooperation between highly qualified scholars. Sponsorship is limited to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in research and who contribute significantly to international cooperation and understanding.

       Die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung ist eine von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland errichtete gemeinnuetzige Stiftung zur Foerderung der internationalen Forschungskooperation hoch qualifizierter Wissenschaftler. Die Foerderung ist Personen vorbehalten, die ausserordentliche wissenschaftliche Leistungen erbracht haben und wesentlich zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit und Verstaendigung beitragen.

**** Young Lady is able to save Monaco from bankruptcy.  


THEY CAN LIVE IN THE WEIMAR MINIPALACE TOO and in WArtenBurgSchloss - Contact them!

Peaceful Cosmos Program in the University of Jena & Zeiss PlanetTherium or


child of

Paul I of Russia


Maria Pavlovna Romanova

X 1804

Karl Friedrich

pr. of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach



*Мария (06/06/1888-12/11/1947)

XXVIII колено


Альберт Саксен-Альтенбургский (14/04/1843-22/05/1902)



Мария Гогенцоллерн (24/09/1855-20/06/1888)



Фридрих Карл Гогенцоллерн (20/03/1828-15/06/1885)




Фридрих Карл Александр Гогенцоллерн (29/06/1801-21/01/1883)





Фридрих Вильгельм III Гогенцоллерн (03/08/1770-07/06/1840)





Луиза Мекленбургская (10/03/1776-19/07/1810)




Мария Саксен-Веймарская (03/02/1808-18/01/1877)





Карл Фридрих Саксен-Веймарский (02/02/1783-26/06/1853)





Мария Павловна Романова (15/02/1786-23/06/1859)




Луиза Рейсская (03/12/1822-28/05/1875)


Countries (in chronological order): Russia (birth place; many times), Ukraine (many times), Turkmenistan (1), Kazakhstan (she lives here, up to now), Italy (1), Georgia (many times), USA (3), Azerbaijan (many times), Uzbekistan (many times), Estonia (1), Lithuania (2), Latvia (1), France (3), the UK (England - 3), Kyrgyzstan (2), Czechoslovakia (1), Germany (many times), Spain (1), the Nederland (3), Switzerland (2), Poland (1), Austria (2), Moldova (1).   


Что написать в брачном контракте? А то, что:

Он: обязуется любить Её и детей, уважать, носить на руках, дарить цветы.

Она: обязуется всё это "просто благодарно принимать" и просто делать Его счастливым.

       Young social, mobile, ingenious, ingenuous, highly-educated, intelligent and reasonable Lady (=Leidy)* wearing 25 years stones, with poor-developed sense of humor (that is not a joke but truthful and serious proposal !) can make a big contribution to forward the Kingdom of Monaco to the scientific and cultural progress.

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